yeah---the 7000 year day is what really "stumbled " me back in the 60's--i even asked Ron Drage about it at an assembly. he just said its all in the publications--ha ha.
so--why not 7 million years ?
greetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
yeah---the 7000 year day is what really "stumbled " me back in the 60's--i even asked Ron Drage about it at an assembly. he just said its all in the publications--ha ha.
so--why not 7 million years ?
.Since there are about 1 million Jehovah'sWitnesses in the United States, about15,000 Jehovah's Witnesses have conditions,which normally require blood transfusions.If we estimate the rate of additional deathattributable to blood loss about 1%, about150 Jehovah's Witnesses are dying each yearin the United States due to blood refusal
yep---thats the theory----but any facts to back that up ? just how many of those unnecessary deaths are reported each year ?
if i recall correctly--the person was fatally injured in a road accident--and a blood transfusion would not have saved him anyway. a tragedy.
more recently--there was a case reported of a mother of 9 dying for want of a transfusion.
which begs the question--does anyone know of any any other loss of life as a result of the watchtower policy--in the last 12 months--anywhere in the world ? only i take a lot of convincing there have been tens of thousands of deaths since the blood transusion policy was invented.
greetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
i had already resigned--in 1971. i couldnt care less about 1975. in fact--my born in wife and i planned a baby in that summer--he was born in april '76. he is now 39---far out of the cult--happily married and recently had a son.
sadly--his mother is still deeply embedded in the cult--so has nothing to do with our son----and is unlikely to see her new grandchild.
am3rd life story is in may 15th 2015 study wt.. after reading, he sounds very mental unstable.
i know you guys will be saying "yeah, obviously he is"...but we don't have any concrete evidence saying he has a mental condition.. has anyone ever dug a little deeper, perhaps try to find some people who would have known him from the army?
i mean, he probably doesn't know that many people, he was only serving for a year for christs sake.
there was a kart in my village outside the co-op the other day----i cant be sure but i think it was my 1st wife that was in attendance. been years since ive seen her.
i think most people who do give it a glance just think its yet another bunch of nutters. they could be right.
observing our local unemployed pioneers and how long they take to get to their first or next call, usually taking the longest route to get to one they know won't be there anyway.
along the way it's gossipy this and that.
i was a 100 hours a month pio in the UK in the late 60's--from age 18 to 21. my time included lunch breaks--travelling from a first call--even if no-one home--to the group meet up. visiting the elderly in the cong--doing odd jobs for them----and the sick. lighting the coal burning boiler at the KH in the winter.
all a total waste of time. just a social thing really--there were quite a few of us. i never bought anyone into the cult. quit at 23.